Perspective – A Concerted Plan is Essential for Reducing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Risk

Perspective: cities need a concerted plan to prevent AI harm, according to General Assembly speaker Philip de Souza, president of Aurora Systems Consulting, Inc. He will lead the session "Unlocking the Power of AI: An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI" at the March 28 General Assembly.

2024-12-12T02:07:22-08:00March 3, 2024|

South Bay Watch Receives Honorable Mention at PR Daily’s Nonprofit Communications Awards  

The South Bay Cities Council of Governments’ (SBCCOG) quarterly print and email publication South Bay Watch received an Honorable Mention in the Print Publication category for PR Daily's 2023 Nonprofit Communications Awards program. The program honors organizations that have demonstrated excellence in nonprofit communications and highlights their impactful efforts in the industry throughout the United States.  

2024-12-12T02:07:54-08:00March 3, 2024|

The 24th General Assembly – 36th District U.S. Representative Ted Lieu to Address AI’s Impact on Cybersecurity as Event’s Keynote

General Assembly Ted Lieu, member of Congress, 36th Districts explains what all levels of government need to do now to protect themselves from AI harm.

2024-12-12T02:08:27-08:00March 3, 2024|

SBESC – Here’s to 20 More – South Bay Cities Council of Governments Celebrates 20 Years of Environmental Service to the South Bay

The SBCCOG celebrates the 20th anniversary of its South Bay Environmental Services Center.

2024-12-12T02:10:04-08:00November 20, 2023|

Giving is Receiving – Volunteers Get Back as Much as They Give While Advancing the SBCCOG’s Mission for the South Bay

SBCCOG Celebrates the work of its volunteers on climate action, transportation and other subregional goals.

2024-12-12T02:10:41-08:00November 20, 2023|
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