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The South Bay Cities Council of Governments provides a leadership forum for South Bay local governments to act collaboratively and advocates for regional issues with a focus on improving transportation and the environment, and strengthening economic development.


The South Bay region is environmentally sustainable and resilient, with improved mobility options and a healthy economy, due to the local government collaborations and advocacy facilitated and supported by SBCCOG.

Guiding Principles 

The SBCCOG shall:

  • Promote cooperation among member agencies in the discussion of issues of mutual interest.
  • Act collaboratively on programs or activities that can be better accomplished collectively than by any one jurisdiction.
  • Acknowledge each jurisdiction’s independence while advocating for the South Bay with one voice.
  • Support member proposals that further the mission, vision and goals of SBCCOG.
  • Identify challenges and opportunities that transcend jurisdictional boundaries.
  • Seek solutions to issues of common concern without duplicating or harming other agencies’ efforts.
  • Represent the interests of the South Bay with other governing bodies and organizations.
  • Seek resources from county, regional, state, and federal agencies that will benefit the South Bay.

Strategic Plan

The South Bay Cities Council of Governments (SBCCOG) is a joint powers authority comprised of sixteen cities and the County of Los Angeles. It embarked upon a strategic planning process in the third quarter of 2013 and completed it in early 2014. The process included three focus groups, an online questionnaire to members, and a strategic planning workshop. The strategic plan that resulted contains goals and strategies that were identified as important to achieving the organization’s mission and vision. Please click here to view the entire document.