Re-imagining Our Neighborhoods and Streets

What should be done to improve the transportation performance of the South Bay neighborhoods? Specifically, is the popular smart growth model of walkable, dense, transit-oriented neighborhoods a good model for the South Bay? Is there a strategy for built-out, suburban sub-regions other than more urbanization?

The Sustainable Neighborhood Strategy addresses these questions with considerations for the physically varied and geographically dispersed South Bay neighborhoods. Based on years of study of the land use and transportation patterns in the South Bay, the Sustainable Neighborhood Strategy provides guidance for land use and transportation options for areas such as the South Bay which are not transit rich and therefore cannot rely on transit-oriented development. This strategy focuses on neighborhood-oriented development and alternative mobility options – both public and private. The strategy encompasses micro-mobility and the use of electric powered slow-speed modes. The SBCCOG promotes these options and advocates for needed charging infrastructure. The strategy was prepared by SBCCOG staff with grant funding and adopted by the SBCCOG board to provide a guide to South Bay cities as they develop and re-develop their communities.