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A Resolution of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments Supporting the Implementation of a Sub-Regional Local Travel Network (LTN) by the Cities of the South Bay that will Promote, Encourage, and Facilitate Safe Travel of Zero-Emission Slow-Speed Vehicles Within and Between the South Bay Cities and Further the South Bay’s Goals for an Improved, Sustainable and Resilient Quality of Life – (Adopted 5/27/2021)


A Resolution of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments Expressing Support for the “Brand-Huang-Mendoza Tripartisan Land Use Initiative” to Amend Article XI of the Constitution of the State of California to Make Zoning and Land Use Community Affairs, and Not of State Interest – (Adopted 11/18/2021)




A Resolution of the Governing Board of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments Designating a Treasurer of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments – (Adopted 12/14/2020)


A Resolution of the Governing Board of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments Authorizing Investment of Monies in the Local Agency Investment Fund – (Adopted 12/14/2020)



A Resolution of the Governing Board of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments Designating a Treasureer of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments – (Adopted 6/27/2019)


A Resolution of the Governing Board of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments Authorizing Investment of Monies in the Local Agency Investment Fund – (Adopted 6/27/2019)


No resolutions adopted in 2018.



A Resolution of the Governing Board of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments Urging Full Funding for Homeless Programs at HUD, HHS, and other Federal Agencies – (Adopted 4/28/2017)


A Resolution of the Governing Board of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments Authorizing Investment of Monies in the Local Agency Investment Fund – (Adopted 7/27/2017)



A Resolution of the Governing Board of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments Designating a Treasurer of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments – (Adopted 1/28/2016)


A Resolution of the Governing Board of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments Authorizing Investment of Monies in the Local Agency Investment Fund (Adopted 1/28/2016)


A Resolution of the Governing Board of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments Designating a Treasurer of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments – (Adopted 4/28/2016)


A Resolution of the Governing Board of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments Authorizing Investment of Monies in the Local Agency Investment Fund (Adopted 4/28/2016)



A Resolution of the Governing Board of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments Designating A Treasurer of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments – (Adopted 3/26/2015)


A Resolution of the Governing Board of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments Urging the State to Provide New Sustainable Funding for State and Local Transportation Infrastructure – (Adopted 8/10/2015)



A Resolution of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments to Establish a 457 Deferred Compensation Plan – (Adopted 1/23/2014)


A Resolution of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments Approving the Application for Grant Funds for the Sustainable Communities Planning Grant and Incentives Program Under the Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006 (Proposition 84) – (Adopted 1/23/2014)


A Resolution of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments to Submit a Geothermal Grant Application to the California Energy Commission – (Adopted 6/26/2014)



A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments Defining the Territorial Boundaries of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments – (Adopted 3/28/2013)


A Resolution of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments Supporting Extended Producer Responsibility  – (Adopted 5/23/2013)


A Resolution of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments in Opposition to Awarding Funds to the Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor Project by Re-Allocating Funds from South Bay Projects and to the Proposed Acceleration Plan – (Adopted 6/27/2013)



A Resolution of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments Opposing San Diego County Water Authority’s Cost-Shift – (Adopted 6/28/2012)


A Resolution of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments Urging Members of Congress to Pass and the White House to Sign Legislation to Avert Across-The-Board Fiscal Year 2013 Sequestration Cuts and to Come Together to Develop a Long-Term Budget Compromise – (Adopted 9/27/2012)


A Resolution of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments Endorsing Car2Go Carsharing for the South Bay and Encouraging the Cities in the Proposed Operating Area to Approve this Service So that It Can Be Available to the Business and Residents of the South Bay – (Adopted 10/25/2012)


No resolutions adopted in 2011



A Resolution of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments in Support of the Local Taxpayer, Public Safety, and Transportation Protection Act of 2010 – (Adopted 1/28/2010)


A Resolution of the South Bay Cities Counicl [sic.] of Governments (SBCCOG) Authorizing ICLEI Affiliate Membership – (Adopted 5/27/2010)


A Resolution of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments Promoting Clean and Energy Efficient Motor Vehicles, Energy Independence, Zero Emission Technologies and Improved Quality of Life in California and Futhermore Supporting the California Air Resources Board’s Leadership in this Area – (Adopted 7/22/2010)


A Resolution of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments Approving the Sustainable South Bay Strategy as the Basis for the South Bay Cities Council of Governments’ Sub-Regional Sustainable Communities Strategy and as an Option for South Bay Cities Seeking a Sustainable Land Use and Transportation Strategy – (Adopted 9/23/2010)