
SBCCOG Upcoming Meetings & Events

News and Updates

Staying Safe When Wildfires Threaten (Source: City of Rolling Hills Estates E-Newsletter)

Preparation and prevention go hand-in-hand. This Ready! Set! Go! brochure was designed by Los Angeles County Fire Department to provide you with critical information on creating defensible space around your home, retrofitting your home with fire-resistant materials, and preparing you to safely evacuate well ahead of a wildfire. If you live in our hill cities, protect yourself, your family and your property from a devastating wildfire by taking the time to learn about Ready! Set! Go!


Introduction to the South Bay Cities Council of Governments (SBCCOG), our mission, vision, governance, history, our staff and member organizations, highlights about the South Bay sub-region, and how we help to maximize the quality of life and productivity in the South Bay.

Committees & Agendas

Discover our various committees, working groups, and forums, how to attend their meetings and what topics will be covered.


Find out about upcoming meetings and events of the SBCCOG and its partners, how and where to attend, and what will be discussed.


Learn about opportunities at the SBCCOG, job postings, request for proposals/quotes, how to volunteer and other ways you can get involved in what we do.