A notice from SBCCOG’s Executive Director, Jacki Bacharach:
“I wanted to provide you this status update regarding SBCCOG’s South Bay Fiber Network (SBFN). In short, all SBFN construction activities and sales efforts continue as planned with commencement of operations well before June 30, 2020.
SBCCOG’s lead contractor for SBFN, American Dark Fiber (“ADF”) and their sub-contractors, HP Communications (“HP”) and Race Communications (“Race”) have made the determination that their communications operations are essential services. The federal government considers Communications one of sixteen (16) critical infrastructure sectors. These 16 sectors are “considered so vital to the United States that their incapacitation…would have a debilitating effect on…economic security, public health or safety…”.
Therefore, all SBFN activities are proceeding as planned, and SBCCOG is working closely with ADF to ensure that schedules can be maintained, if not accelerated. ADF, HP, and Race have committed to perform those services in compliance with mandated public health guidelines to the extent possible, including minimizing in-person meetings, and maintaining appropriate social distancing guidelines.
As a result of the Governor’s Executive Order, and with schools being closed, Cities in the South Bay, and all parts of California, are seeing an increased demand for telework, telehealth and distance learning, each of which require broadband. From its planning stages, SBFN’s primary objective was, and remains today, to provide high-speed, dedicated broadband services to Cities and other subscribers. This pandemic is not making broadband essential; it is demonstrating that broadband is already essential.
Through the SBFN, the South Bay sub-region is leading the way demonstrating how cities can work together to realize a true 21st Century infrastructure that offers high quality service at heavily discounted rates. We look for your continued support on this important initiative.
The journey continues, in sometimes unexpected ways. I will keep you informed as we pass upcoming milestones.”
Posted: 3/23/2020