The Los Angeles County Department of Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services (WDACS), with the support of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, announced a free delivery program for older adults and individuals with disabilities. This Countywide program, called Critical Delivery Service, will deliver groceries, household items, and other vital necessities to individuals who are unable to leave their homes due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Items may be delivered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at no cost to the client. No application process is required; however, items must be pre-paid and ready for pickup. Deliveries may be scheduled by calling 1-888-863-7411 between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Clients may utilize this service up to four times or 40 miles per month, whichever comes first.
“I am thankful that this program will provide food to our most vulnerable older adults as we confront the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Supervisor Kathryn Barger. “I encourage all who are eligible to use this resource to do so, in order to stay safer at home during this time.”
“COVID-19 presents a threat to all of our LA County communities, but our older adults who may be more susceptible to complications due to the virus are particularly vulnerable,” said Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda L. Solis. “I recognize that our nutrition services are a lifeline for older adults who depend on these meals for sustenance. With the launch of our Critical Delivery Service Program, LA County will step up to ensure older adults and individuals with disabilities who are unable to leave their homes due to COVID-19 will receive the healthy meals they need to get through this difficult time.”
“In these difficult times, we must do all we can to help those who need the most,” Supervisor Ridley-Thomas said. “In the weeks and months to come, the Critical Delivery Service Program will become a vital service that will provide much-needed relief to our loved ones who are most vulnerable to COVID-19, so that they can remain safe at home but at the same time continue to receive the nutritious meals they need for their sustenance during this crisis.”
Supervisor Sheila Kuehl said, “The County is strongly and appropriately advising seniors and people with chronic illnesses to stay at home, but they still have to eat! This new delivery service should make it much easier for people staying home to get groceries without jeopardizing their own health or the health of their neighbors.”
“This new program will allow residents who qualify to get their groceries delivered straight to their door, free of charge, so they can stay safer at home,” said Supervisor Janice Hahn. “We are trying new, innovative ways to make sure that everyone in LA County has the resources they need to get through this crisis.”
“Thousands of older and dependent adults are now responsibly practicing Safer at Home principles, but in order to protect themselves and their loved ones, they need help bringing groceries and other essentials home,” said Otto Solórzano, Acting Director of WDACS. “LA County’s new Critical Delivery Service program will enable these residents to stay at home and still have food on their table.”
See below for downloadable fact sheet about the Critical Delivery Service.
Published: 4/9/2020