The South Bay Service Council has been in existence since 2003 and has been extremely successful. The dedicated people on our council have worked with Metro staff to make changes in service to improve efficiency and coordination of transit services provided by the Metro.
Service Council terms are staggered with 3 of the 9 positions expiring June 30 every year. The 3 members whose terms are expiring this June are: Ralph Franklin, Inglewood Councilmember; Angie English, Hawthorne Councilmember; and Robert Burlingham, LAWA Transportation Planner (Rideshare). With this memo, the SBCCOG is opening nominations to fill the 3 expiring seats. A term on the Council is for 3 years. Those members whose terms are expiring can be nominated again. There are no term limits. The boundaries of the South Bay region include the SBCCOG cities with the addition of the Watts/Willowbrook and LAX areas of L.A. City. The nominees must either live or work within the South Bay region boundaries.
The remainder of this memo outlines the issues related to how the SBCCOG will nominate and recommend Service Council members to the Metro Board with the assistance of each of our member cities and the county. This memo also initiates the nomination period for you to send the names of prospective candidates to the SBCCOG with a short bio and reason why they should be selected. The deadline for nominations is Friday, March 31, 2017 @ 5:00 pm.