• A “Ring Architecture” with lateral connections to designated sites was selected thereby:

    • Connecting all 15 City Halls + Other Public Agencies including: Metro, Los Angeles County IEN Group, West Basin Municipal Water District, South Bay Workforce Investment Board, Los Angeles BioMed, and the Beach Cities Health District) together and out of the South Bay at 2 Points of Presence (POPs).
    • A “Ring” design would provide resiliency and security with bi-directional capacity for SBFN members

    Site Selection Process:

    • A total of 55 Buildings/Sites were, initially, surveyed, as the primary list of sites for Phase 1 and 2 of the South Bay Fiber Network
    • The list was, ultimately, refined to include 35 primary sites for inclusion in the first phase of the network
    • Opportunity to deliver 1 or 10 GB of service at a competitive monthly cost was presented to stakeholders (IT Director: “my monthly recurring costs would be ½ of what I pay now!”)
    • Terms for Monthly Recurring Costs (MRC) set at:
    • 1 GB @ $1000/month “lit” service
    • 10 GB @ $2,750/month “lit” service
    • $900/GB per moth “transport” service
    • Note: Vendor and SBCCOG will review and revise pricing downward based on network growth