• Funding for the Non-Recurring Costs as been secured through Metro using the SBCCOG’s Sub-regional Measure M funds as an infrastructure development project with a “transportation nexus”:

·  Framed as a Transportation System’s as well as a Demand Management Project for enhancements to Signal Synchronization; Autonomous Vehicle Connectivity; and, “The Trips not Taken” (telework, distance education, telemedicine)

  • As proposed in the SBCCOG’s Metro Funding Agreement, the network will connect all cities so that opportunities to connect and test/use Metro’s Regional Integration of Intelligent Transportation Systems (RIITS) and Los Angeles County’s Information Exchange Network (IEN)
  • The scope identified Manhattan Beach and Torrance as the primary cities for this connection and demonstration
  • Based on the RFP, the design, construction, and equipment to construct the core ring and laterals to respective SBFN sites was initially estimated to be $4.5 Million
  • Subsequent review, surveys, fine-tuning of designated sites, as well as additional agencies/sites that wanted to join the new network revised the total scope of the project to be 35 sites at $6.9 Million
  • Additional funds were secured through an amendment to the $4.5 Million allocated in the original Metro Funding Agreement