GIS Services For SBCCOG Members
The South Bay Cities Council of Governments (SBCCOG) is pleased to announce Geographic Information Systems (GIS) services for member agencies.
Why GIS services?
SBCCOG understands that most of its member public agencies use GIS in varying capacities. With city/county planning processes increasingly relying on GIS to provide data and products to regional agencies as well as make decisions regarding land use (e.g. Regional Housing Needs Assessment compliance), demand for GIS-related skills and resources is growing. Many grant applications also require GIS products. While some agencies have GIS technical staff, many do not have ample support available to keep up with the growing number of applications required.
What is SBCCOG offering?
The SBCCOG can provide GIS services via its trained technical staff and resources to member agencies in the following areas:
- Map making (e.g. address geocoding and hotspot analysis
- Applications development and data management
- Data collection and coordination with other public agencies (e.g. County of Los Angeles’ Internal Services Department Enterprise GIS Group)
- GIS services draft Request for Proposals (RFP) (e.g. high resolution digital aerial imagery)
How can my member agency get services?
Member agencies submit an electronic request including a scope of work for review and SBCCOG staff will determine feasibility, timeline, and cost. Requests should include an overview of the product, estimated hours needed, and due date.
Complete your request by completing the online form here.
How much does it cost?
The SBCCOG is offering 20 hours of service the first year at no cost to member agencies as part of their SBCCOG membership benefits ($1,560 in value). Any work exceeding this threshold will be charged $78 per hour.
Contact Shawn Fujioka at or 424-271-4685.