South Bay Local Travel Network Media Kit
South Bay Local Travel Network – Suggested Story Copy
“Rolling Turtle” Signage Guides South Bay Motorists with Message that “Slow is the Way to Go”
The South Bay Cities Council of Governments has launched phase one of a street network called the South Bay Local Travel Network (LTN). The LTN will support the growing market and use of lightweight zero-emission, low-speed vehicles—known as micromobility—for local trips around the South Bay. The network is the first in the world to safely accommodate the use of such vehicles—which include neighborhood electric vehicles (NEVs), e-bikes, pedal bikes, e-scooters and other devices—as they share the road with traditional motorized vehicles on existing, low-speed streets. It will eventually span 243-miles of existing low-speed streets (25 to 35 mph) that will connect the South Bay as far north as Inglewood to as far south as San Pedro.
Streets on the route will be marked by “rolling turtle” signage that notifies users they are on the network and also provides wayfinding guidance to major city destinations and safe intersections. Sharrows—two inverted V-shapes above a bicycle—will inform route users that low-speed vehicles are sharing the road with other motorized vehicles. Low-speed vehicles follow the same traffic laws as traditional cars, but typically drive a a maximum speed of 25 mph or less.
Supporting the project is SBCCOG research that shows that 70% of trips taken in the South Bay are 3-miles or less, while the average gas-fueled passenger vehicle weighs an inefficient 4,000 pounds and carries—on average—1.67 people. Low-speed vehicles are lighter and more compact than traditional cars, which will help to reduce road maintenance costs, and free up roads and space for parking.
The LTN is made possible through Measure M subregional transportation funding.
The El Segundo leg of the LTN launched in November of 2023. Work has already begun in the remaining cities of Phase 1 (Manhattan, Hermosa, Redondo), as well as the inland cities of Phase 2. A completion date for the Local Travel Network in its entirety has not yet been determined, but user feedback is currently being gathered in El Segundo to refine how it will be implemented in other cities.
Low-Speed Travel Modes
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