Logo earned consensus for its ability to create “instant recognition”  by commuters of Local Travel Network

TORRANCE, CALIF., March 8, 2023 – The South Bay Cities Council of Governments (SBCCOG) has selected a “rolling turtle” design to represent its branding for road signage along a new 243-mile network of local streets called the South Bay Local Travel Network (LTN). The LTN will support the growing market and local use of personal micromobility—light weight, zero-emission, slow speed vehicles. Such devices include neighborhood electric vehicles (NEVs), which appear similar to golf carts, along with e-scooters, e-bikes, one-wheels (electric skateboards) and other personal devices. (Watch video to see examples: Introduction to Micromobility).  

 This past summer, the transportation firm Fehr & Peers began technical planning work to develop signage, branding and engineering details that will be used to define the LTN. Following a several-month consensus planning exercise that included representatives from 16 South Bay cities and agencies, the “rolling turtle” emerged as the favorite of other traditional road signage designs presented. During the brainstorming process wayfinding examples and existing South Bay signage were reviewed, along with colors and themes. Surveyed stakeholder groups and individuals representing Metro, the California Transportation Commission, and members of local groups, such as members of the League of Women Voters, favored the more whimsical turtle option because it was “different and would stand out,” evoke the “nature of the LTN concept,” and would provide “incredible branding opportunities.”   

The South Bay Cities Council of Governments (SBCCOG) board of directors approved the design to be used on wayfinding signs and for other marketing and educational purposes as a “unique icon” to describe and market the subregional network and remind people to use it with safety in mind. 

“Because the South Bay is doing something truly groundbreaking with the Local Travel Network, we wanted its visual representation to be something that local and out-of-town motorists would immediately recognize for its completely novel approach to local travel,” said John Cruikshank, Rancho Palos Verdes, mayor pro tem and SBCCOG chair, said. “We hope other communities in our region, and even the nation, will take notice of how our network works and realize when it comes to sustainable local travel ‘slow is the way to go.’”  

The SBCCOG has embarked on this project to change the “culture of mobility” in the South Bay, while moving the subregion closer to the state’s goals for addressing climate change. The LTN’s first phase will be in the beach cities. Subsequent corridors will interconnect with LTN across the South Bay. 

The LTN addresses state goals in the following ways: 

  •  From a sustainability perspective, SBCCOG research shows that 70% of trips in the South Bay are 3 miles or less and 90% are within 10 miles. Additionally public transit mode share is less than 3% in the subregion, largely due to inefficient service for noted travel patterns. This means most South Bay residents use internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles with an average weight of 4,000 pounds to make short trips. The region’s residents are collectively paying more than $1.5 billion annually for gasoline and $9,000 individually for automobile expenses. https://gasprices.aaa.com/. This project will reduce those gas purchases and encourage electric vehicles (EVs). 
  • By using slow speed vehicles on local streets, arterial congestion will be eased, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 
  • The vehicles on the network will only require a 110 charge—not a fast charge required of larger EVs—easing the demand on the grid. 
  • Micromobility vehicles are less expensive—$1,500 to approx. $12,000—than larger EVs. This makes them accessible to all ages and incomes—an equitable response to mobility. 
  •  Because they go at slow speeds with less adverse impacts, they are considered safer than traditional motor vehicles.  

Fehr & Peers has also begun the process of planning sharrow marking (share + arrow street markings that indicate that cars and slow-speed vehicles traveling the network of neighborhood streets are sharing the road, which will make it safer for all travelers) in support of the LTN. Vehicles using the LTN will be required to drive at speeds below 25 mph.  

The first two corridors of the LTN are the beach cities of El Segundo, Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach and Redondo Beach, as well as across the inland cities of Gardena, Lawndale and Hawthorne.

By visiting https://bit.ly/LocalTravelNetwork, residents can also look up their own neighborhood to see if the destinations they frequently visit would be included in the network.  


The South Bay Cities Council of Governments (SBCCOG) is a joint powers government agency of 16 cities and the County of Los Angeles which share the goal of maximizing the quality of life and productivity of the subregion. Within this structure, cities and Los Angeles County maintain the qualities and characteristics that make them unique and independent, while also coming together collectively to address issues of common interest for a greater good of the communities through partnership, persuasion, performance and advocacy. For more information about the SBCCOG visit http://southbaycities.org 
