Technology Working Group Mtg Mar 11
March 11, 2010 @ 11:30 am - 1:30 pm
THE TECHNOLOGY WORKING GROUP WILL MEET MARCH 11TH IN THE CITY OF HERMOSA BEACH Please join us for lunch (chinese) in the City of Hermosa Beach Council Chambers for a great meeting featuring Jeff Austin from Google. Jeff will be speaking to the group about Google Apps and specifically how Google has helped cities limit costs and gain efficiency. Also, please know that our Technology Working Group will be featured in the next issue of The South Bay Watch, the COG’s quarterly newsletter. An agenda and rsvp request will be issued closer to the meeting date. Lunch cost will remain under $20 per person. Payment in cash is appreciated. Please feel free to email Norm Thorn with any agenda suggestions at [email protected] or questions to [email protected].