Steering Committee Meeting
May 14, 2018 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
The Steering Committee is scheduled to meet Monday, May 14th, 2018 at the SBCCOG/SBESC Office, located at 20285 S. Western Ave, Suite 100, Torrance, CA 90501. Lunch will be provided.
To ensure a quorum, please RSVP to [email protected]
- ACTION: Receive and file
VI. CONSENT CALENDAR – action items noted, remainder are receive & file – 12:05 pm
A. Steering Committee – April 9 meeting minutes – attached
- ACTION: Approve
B. Contract Renewal with Stephen H. Lantz for Transportation Advisory Services
- Memo and contract – attached
- ACTION: Approve
C. Contracts if available by the meeting
- Contract Renewal with Torrance Water
- Funding Agreement with Metro for Measure M Subregional Programs
- ACTION: Approve
D. CALCOG Membership Renewal
- ACTION: After attending CALCOG meetings for the last year – staff and elected official, CALCOG delegate, Britt Huff, and Executive Director Jacki Bacharach both recommend that we continue membership in CALCOG for the coming year.
E. South Bay Environmental Services Center Activities Report – attached
F. 2018 General Assembly Outstanding Sponsor Payments
- $2500 from Mark Ridley-Thomas
- $1000 from Janice Hahn
G. South Bay Aerospace Alliance SBCCOG representative – 12:10 pm
- In discussions with Michael Jackson of the South Bay Aerospace Alliance, he explained that they are re-doing their bylaws and so exact numbers aren’t known yet but they are heartened by the interest of so many elected officials. At this time, a delegate and an alternate would be accepted.
- It is my understanding that all elected officials can come to the alliance meetings but that the delegate and alternate positions are for the Executive Board.
- Nominees Rodney Tanaka, Olivia Valentine and Richard Montgomery
- Statements received by May 6, 2018
- Olivia Valentine
- I am interested in being the SBCCOG representative for the South Bay
Aerospace Alliance. I have been actively serving on that committee for two years, on behalf of the SBAAC. In that capacity, I worked with Mayor Suzanne Fuentes of El Segundo, and Councilmember Laura Emdee to procure MOUs between our cities and the LAAFB to increase the supply of attainable housing for military personnel assigned to the AFB. I am familiar with the issues facing the AFB and I believe I would be a valuable representative from the SBCOG to the to the South Bay Aerospace Alliance.
- Rodney Tanaka, Gardena
- I am a 64-year resident of the South Bay, specifically of Gardena, a retired Lieutenant with the Gardena Police Department, ‘spent 12 years working skid row as a pastor, and am now in my first term as City of Gardena Council Member (currently as Mayor Pro Tem). I am the City of Gardena’s alternate representative to SBCCOG.
- Our City and community strongly support the efforts and activities of the aerospace industry in the South Bay; specifically urging that the U.S. Air Force base continue their much-needed presence here.
- I am interested in serving in this position to be able to learn more in-depth information about the industry and the Air Force in the South Bay and, therefore, be able to accurately and confidently share information with our Council and our citizens about this important resource for our community.
- I would appreciate your consideration of my interest in serving with the South Bay Aerospace Alliance.
- ACTION: Recommend delegate and at least one alternate to represent the SBCCOG on the South Bay Aerospace Alliance
H. Board Meeting agenda development – 12:30 pm
1. Measure M funding agreements
2. Face of the Program – Jacki
3. Budget
4. Nomination of Officers
5. Regional Broadband Network RFP – approval to circulate
- Future meetings
1. LA BioMed – presentation
2. WBMWD – de-salination update – maybe August/September?
I. Special Events – 12:35 pm
- Tour of LA BioMed – Wednesday, May 16 – 2:30 pm to 4 pm – 9 so far
- L.A. County Cannabis Policy Seminar – Thursday, June 14 – Long Beach
- Cannabis Manufacturing Facility – retail, storefront – Wednesday, June 27 – West Hollywood
- Other Possibilities
1. Public Engagement and Technology Workshop
2. Tour of LAX – maybe summer/August
J. 2019 General Assembly Ideas – 12:40 pm
- Memo attached
- ACTION: Provide direction
K. Transportation Committee Items – 12:50 pm
- Funding agreement – Measure M, if available
- ACTION: Recommend approval to Board of Directors
L. Legislative Issues – 12:55 pm
- Legislative Matrix attached
- Recommend Support SB 1133
- Letter to Ben Allen re: housing crisis – to be available at the meeting
- Torrance Refinery gas issue – is this an SBCCOG issue? – Discussion
- November Ballot measures
- Affordable Housing Bond measure – would dedicate $4 billion to helping military veterans have a safe place to call home and builds safe, stable housing for struggling families, people experiencing homelessness and individuals with disabilities – endorsement request by Southern California Association of Non Profit Housing
- Restricting Local Taxing Authority – would require a 2/3rds vote of the public before a local government could raise taxes – opposition request from League of California Cities
- ACTION: Approve recommended positions and letter re: housing legislation
- Memo attached
- ACTION: Provide direction
N. 2018-2019 Draft Operating Budget – 1:15 pm
- Attached
- New items:
- SBCCOG submitted an application that was accepted for a CivicSpark Fellow to help develop adaptation chapters for the city CAPs. This is a very prestigious program in California sponsored by the Local Government Commission and the Office of Planning and Research. It is envisioned that the Fellow will start work by reviewing city disaster mitigation plans to identify adaptation policies and strategies. In addition, they will research strategies and identify issues related to at-risk communities such as Homeless and Senior populations in the South Bay. The Fellow will be with the SBCCOG for 11 months and there will be a cost to the SBCCOG of $25,000. This has been included in the budget.
- ACTION: Review and comment and transmit to the Board the proposed 2018-2019 Operating Budget for discussion in May and adoption in June
O. Approval of Invoices – available at the meeting – 1:30 pm
- ACTION: Approve invoices for payment
P. Update on Homeless Program – 1:35 pm
- April outreach event will be in Redondo Beach.
- Manhattan Beach Chamber will be surveying their businesses re: homeless issues
- Working on homeless mobile court clinic, landlord workshops and first responders training
Q. Progress on Regional Broadband Network Initiative – 1:40 pm
R. Regional Bike Share Coordination – 1:45 pm
S. Staff work changes – 1:50 pm
T. Progress on Special Purpose Grants – 1:55 pm
- Currently funded
i. Regional Broadband network – SBWIB and County
ii. Homeless Services coordination – County
iii. SCE/SCG Strategic Plan funds – for energy benchmarking for cities
iv. CSUDH/SBWIB/SBCCOG application re: study of student transportation/telecommuting in the South Bay with SB 1 research funds
- Proposals pending
i. Measure M administration
ii. Integrated Pest Management re: coyote public education and training – Final proposal submitted April 3
iii. Caltrans Planning Grant re: Feasibiity Study of Slow Speed Network – submitted February 23
- Under Discussion
U. Other updates since agenda distribution – 2:00 pm
NEXT STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING – Monday, June 11, 2018 @ 12:00 pm