Steering Committee Meeting
October 8, 2018 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
The Steering Committee is scheduled to meet Monday, October 8th, 2018 at the SBCCOG/SBESC Office, located at 20285 S. Western Ave, Suite 100, Torrance, CA 90501. Lunch will be provided.
To ensure a quorum, please RSVP to [email protected]
- ACTION: Receive and file
V. CONSENT CALENDAR – action items noted, remainder are receive & file – 12:05 pm
A. Steering Committee – September 10, 2018 meeting minutes – attached
- ACTION: Approve
B. Agreement with City of Inglewood to Administer the Caltrans Slow Speed Network Grant
- The City of Inglewood has agreed to be the grantee for the SBCCOG since Caltrans is funding this project with federal funds which the SBCCOG does not take due to accounting requirements.
- Draft agreement – attached
- ACTION: Approve subject to review by SBCCOG legal counsel (NOTE: the final agreement must be sent to Caltrans by October 19 – before the board meeting. This approval will be reported to the Board at the October meeting.)
C. Vanpool Extension
- The SBCCOG’s contract with Metro for vanpool formation expires in November. SBCCOG staff has requested a no cost extension from Metro until June 30, 2019 as funding remains in our budget. Letter – attached
- ACTION: Receive and file
D. 18-19 All Dues Paid
E. South Bay Environmental Services Center Activities Report – attached
- Highlight from report: Congratulations to Carson, Hawthorne, Hermosa Beach, Inglewood, Rancho Palos Verdes & Rolling Hills Estates for receiving Beach Awards for energy efficiency and sustainability projects
F. Board Meeting agenda development – 12:10 pm
- October 25 – (draft agenda – attached)
- Face of the Program – Brooke Heri
- Victoria Park re-development – speaker confirmed, Ryan Kristan, Architect & Project Mgr, LA County Public Works
- Homeless Services Contract with County and COG?
- Update on Broadband Proposals and Process
- November 15
- Broadband contract recommendation to cities
- Energy Efficiency report from Greg Stevens
- Future meetings
- Green Line Extension Alternatives
- Strategic Vision of Uber and Lyft
- Drone Ordinances
- Role of Municipal Operators – talk to Steve re: this – title and timing
- Smart Cities
G. Special Events – 12:20 pm
- Cannabis Courses for cities – elected and staff – Oct. 11, 25, Nov. 8 & 29
- South Bay Goods Movement Project Management Course – January 24, 31, February 7, 4 – 2 hour courses for city staff and consultants
- Tour of LAX – October 3rd & October 17 – 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM. – both full
- Space X and Boring Company Tunnel Tour – December 5
H. Policy Paper on “Resolving the Housing-Carbon Dilemma in State Policy: One Strategy Doesn’t Fit All” – 12:25 pm
- Paper – attached
- ACTION: Recommend approval to Board for circulation to cities and state legislators
I. Transportation Committee Items, if necessary – 12:40 pm
J. Approval of Invoices – available at the meeting – 12:45 pm
- ACTION: Approve invoices for payment
K. Legislative Issues – 12:50 pm
- October 11 Legislative Breakfast – Bradford, Allen and Muratsuchi confirmed
- Legislative Matrix attached
L. Regional Broadband Network Initiative – 12:55 pm
- Proposals review process underway – evaluations due October 8
- October 29 – interviews
- November 1 – meeting with city I.T. Directors to go over evaluation results
- November 15 – recommendation to Board
M. Update on Regional Bike Share Coordination – 1:00 pm
- Following-up on concerns expressed at the last Steering Committee meeting, staff is scheduling a workshop on complete streets for city staff which should include perspectives on road diets and slow speed lanes for the morning of November 8. A flyer will be prepared to send to city staff.
N. Update on Homeless Program – 1:05 pm
- With the newly released RFP, multi-jurisdictional applications can be submitted which means a city that did NOT do a Homelessness Plan may apply if they collaborate with a city that did submit a plan. More discussion on collaborations will be held at city technical assistance meeting on October 3. Awards up to $10 million for 1) increasing the supply of interim and permanent housing for people experiencing homelessness, and 2) enhancing County service systems for those currently experiencing or at-risk of homelessness. Applications due November 7.
- Everyone In Campaign (United Way): launched on 3/9/18 – a community engagement initiative to educate and engage the community about homelessness. Part of the campaign is to hold community engagement events – pop ups, stories from the frontline, meet formerly homeless individuals, offer affordable housing tours. They will be developing supportive housing messaging tool kit for cities and communities to use to help educate.
- LAHSA is requesting proposals for crisis and bridge housing for all populations, transitional housing for transition age youth (TAY), and the Host Homes Programs. LAHSA is also asking for service providers that are qualified and interested in providing crisis and bridge housing services but do not have a facility. This will establish a list of providers for new sites that become available to LAHSA.
- LA-HOP – Los Angeles Homeless Online Portal. The portal went live July 19th and is a way for constituents to submit requests for homeless outreach online – via phone or computer. Currently communication is one-way – the person making the referral does not know if the homeless individual has been contacted. In the future, LA-HOP may be able to provide limited information about homeless individual, i.e. outreach team made contact on such and such date. There may be a pull-down menu for an elected official to identify him/herself when making referral. The elected official may then be able to receive additional information about the type of outreach that was provided.
- PATH update: The new partnership with the SBWIB is providing staff at the Inglewood One Stop Center every Tuesday from 1:00-4:00 p.m. and at the Torrance One Stop Center every Thursday from 1:00-4:00 p.m. It is going well but a little slow. In the first month 4 people were referred. PATH attended a Faith community meeting in Gardena and will now provide outreach services on the 5th Saturday at a Gardena church. PATH is also working with local law enforcement and going on ride-alongs. El Segundo PD wants PATH to accompany their officers on a weekly basis; they are also working with Hermosa Beach PD. PATH is very involved with the LA-HOP referral program. When the LA-HOP referrals come in, they take priority.
- SBCCOG update: New Homeless Services webpage on SBCCOG website – please review and give us your feedback:
- Oct 24 – Housing and Health Resource Fair in Carson; working with Public Defender’s Office to bring mobile legal clinic; working with Senator Bradford’s office for assistance in getting the DMV to the event
- SBCCOG currently in 4th quarter of contract with the County to provide regional homeless coordination; in process of finalizing scope of work for 2018-2019 County contract
- Meeting with Scott Sale from Safe Parking to try to bring program to the South Bay…work with 3 community colleges and CSUDH regarding homeless college students.
- Looking into Shared Housing as an option, especially for older adults
- Working with the LA Gateway Chamber to conduct a business survey
- Next meeting – November 14th at 3:30 p.m. Councilman Buscaino’s office will be presenting on the lessons learned regarding bridge housing.
O. Senior Services Working Group meeting – September 25 – 1:15 pm
- NextGen Bus Study: The goal of the study is to design a new bus network that is more relevant, reflective of, and attractive to LA County residents. First study in 25 years that is looking at entire bus system. Based on the results of the study, and if Metro changes the bus routes, this could have an impact on municipal, Dial-a-Ride, and Access services.
- PATH Update: The 2018 Homeless Count saw a 22% increase in the number of older adults experiencing homelessness over last year. PATH will focus on becoming experts on senior issues. Cross training needs to occur between those providing services for older adults and those providing services for homeless individuals. The City of Hawthorne plans to hold a Senior Resource Fair on January 16, 2019 that will focus on resources and strategies to prevent homelessness.
- Purposeful Aging Los Angeles: Cities are requested to sign on as an ‘Age Friendly’ city.The action plan is available on the Purposeful Aging Los Angeles website:
- DEA Drug Take Back Day is scheduled for October 27th at the Lomita Sheriff Station; City of Palos Verdes Estates is hosting a Senior Health Fair on October 9th; Gardena is hosting a Senior Health Fair on November 2nd; Palos Verdes Peninsula Village is hosting the Upside of Aging event on October 30th.
- The next meeting is scheduled for Dec 4th. The City of Monrovia will be presenting GoMonrovia, the new, multi-modal transportation program.
P. Office Issues – 1:20 pm
- The lease for the SBCCOG/SBESC offices is expiring in November 2019.
- Update on staff meeting with real estate broker.
Q. Progress on Special Purpose Grants – 1:25 pm
- Currently funded
i. Regional Broadband network – SBWIB and County
ii. Homeless Services coordination – County and PATH
iii. SCE/SCG Strategic Plan funds – for energy benchmarking for cities
iv. CSUDH/SBWIB/SBCCOG application re: study of student transportation/telecommuting in the South Bay with SB 1 research funds
v. Solsmart for participating cities of Carson, El Segundo, Gardena, Hawthorne, Manhattan Beach, Palos Verdes Estates, Rancho Palos Verdes, & Torrance
vi. Green Business Network for City of Torrance and Hawthorne
vii. Measure M administration
viii. Transportation Grid Blueprint for LA County – SBCCOG is sub-recipient to LA County
- Pending
i. Caltrans Slow Speed Network Network Feasibility Study
R. Other updates since agenda distribution – 1:30 pm
NEXT STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING – Monday, November 12, 2018 @ 12:00 pm