Steering Committee Meeting
May 13, 2020 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
The Steering Committee is scheduled to virtually meet Monday, May 11th, 2020 at 12 noon.
To ensure a quorum, please RSVP to [email protected]
PUBLIC COMMENT: Steering Committee’s purview, please provide written comments by 11:00 am, May 11, 2020 via email to [email protected]. All written comments submitted will become part of the official record. Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only provide written comment on SBCCOG related business that is within the jurisdiction of the SBCCOG and/or items listed on the Agenda which will be addressed during the Public Comment portion of the meeting (Item #IV).
ACCESSING THE MEETING: Register in advance for the Steering Committee meeting using the below link:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
- ACTION: Receive and file
V. CONSENT CALENDAR – action items noted, remainder are receive & file – 12:05 pm
A. Steering Committee – April 13, 2020 meeting minutes attached
- ACTION: Approve
B. Amendment to Agreement with Agnes Walker
C. Amendment to County Contract re: Sanitation Stations for the Homeless
D. South Bay Environmental Services Center Activities Report – attached
E. Transportation Monthy Report – attached
F. City Attendance at SBCCOG meetings
G. Metro Service Council appointments – 12:10 pm
- 12 applicants have applied for 4 seats. They have been invited for a zoom interview on Friday, May 8. The interview panel is Christian Horvath, Drew Boyles, John Cruikshank, Kenny Kao and Justin Massey. Their recommendations for appointments will be provided at the meeting.
- ACTION: Review interview panel’s recommendations and make recommendation to Board
H. Telework Workshops – 12:20 pm
- While meeting with the Community Development Directors, they acknowledged being unprepared to suddenly have to manage their staff members working at home. While they’ve picked up some techniques on the fly, they expressed an
interest in the SBCCOG arranging formal training in managing telework.
- Wally has been in contact with an expert on this subject (Elham Shirazi) and is working out the curriculum.
- One option is for the trainings to be open to all cities and departments.
- Ms. Shirazi’s published costs per seminar is $1400. We have not decided on a number or cost but the Community Development Directors were interested in having these workshops as soon
as possible.
- ACTION: SBCCOG staff is requesting authorization to spend up to $5000 to provide these trainings as soon as curriculum and costs have been worked out as a service to our
I. West Basin Municipal Water District Scope of Work for FY20-21 – 12:30 pm
J. General Assembly Sponsorships – 12:35 pm
- Memo attached
- ACTION: Provide 2020 sponsors with alternate benefits throughout 2020
K. Legislative Issues – 12:45 pm
- Legislative Matrix – attached
- ACTION: Updated status at the meeting. Possible action.
L. Board Meeting agenda development – 12:50 pm
- May – Nomination of Officers and Presentation of the Budget – draft attached
- June – Election of Officers and Adoption of the Budget
- July – LTN project final
ACTION: Recommend programs of interest for Board presentations
M. Financial Reserve Policy – 12:55 pm
- Memo and policy attached
- ACTION: Recommend Board approval
O. Approval of Invoices – available at the meeting – 1:15 pm
- ACTION: Approve invoices for payment
P. South Bay Fiber Network – 1:20 pm
- Status of Fiber sign-ups
a. PV Transit is joining
b. SBCCOG will be responsible for $35,000 monthly cost starting in July based on commitments that cities made so they need to sign their agreements with RACE so that the SBCCOG has the funds to pay.
- Construction schedule update
c. June – Work Order #3
- ACTION: Thank you event – celebration & recognition – possibly June/July
Q. Update on Homeless Program and Innovation Project Funding – 1:25 pm
- Hygiene funding opportunities – we are in the process of notifying cities of the additional uses for this funding:
- portable hand washing stations (Hawthorne and Torrance have deployed stations)
- portable toilets
- portable showers
- staff time associated with stocking, staffing, and/or cleaning public restroom/shower facilities in order to expand available hours
- incentives for private businesses to allow persons experiencing homelessness to use their facilities in accordance with public health guidelines
- NEW***purchase of toilet paper, paper towels, soap and hand sanitizer that complies with CDC’s recommended percentage of alcohol content (60%+) for purposes of expanding available of hours of public restroom/shower facilities
- NEW***hygiene kits to include: soap, washcloth, no rinse bathing sheets, hand sanitizer, mask
- Homeless Services Task Force meeting is on Wednesday, May 6th from 3-5pm via Zoom.
R. Update on Senior Services – 1:30 pm
- The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 26th from 9:30-11:30am via Zoom. The invited speaker will give an update on the statewide Master Plan on Aging.
- As we get more information from the cities, we are updating the “Senior” spreadsheet that identifies what is being provided for their seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic.
S. Office Update on hold until May 15, 2020 – 1:35 pm
- SBCCOG staff still telecommuting until at least May 15, 2020. Looking into possible staggered schedules
- Other updates since agenda distribution – 1:40 pm
NEXT STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING – Monday, June 8, 2020 @ 12:00 pm @ SBCCOG office