Steering Committee Meeting
August 10, 2020 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
The Steering Committee is scheduled to meet Monday, August 10th, 2020 via Zoom. Please register in advance using here:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
To ensure a quorum, please RSVP to [email protected]
- ACTION: Receive and file
V. CONSENT CALENDAR – action items noted, remainder are receive & file – 12:05 pm
A. Steering Committee – July 13, 2020 meeting minutes attached
- ACTION: Approve
B. Integrated Pest Control Memorandum of Understanding with McGowan Consulting
- MOU attached
- ACTION: Recommend board approval
C. Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County Contract Renewal
- Scope of Work attached – MOU to be received by August 19
- ACTION: Recommend board approval
- Scope of Work & Terms and Conditions attached
- ACTION: Recommend board approval subject to legal and final review
E. South Bay Chamber of Commerce Memberships
- Memo attached
- ACTION: Recommend board approval
F. Status of 2020 General Assembly Sponsorships
- 16 sponsorships totalling $58,500 have agreed that SBCCOG can keep their contribution
- 7 sponsorships totalling $18,250 have asked for refunds
G. South Bay Environmental Services Center Activities Report – attached
H. Dues paid as of August 1
- El Segundo, Hawthorne, Hermosa Beach, Inglewood, Lomita, Rolling Hills, Rolling Hills Estates
I. City Attendance at SBCCOG meetings
J. LA vs. Hate – guest presenter – Terri Villa-McDowell, LA County Program Coordinator – 12:10 pm
- LA vs Hate is a community-centered creative campaign to encourage and support all residents of Los Angeles County to unite against, report, and resist hate.
- At, there are resources to help build community strength and remind friends and family of the importance of standing up to hate in LA County. If you are a the victim, or witness of, a hate incident or a hate crime, you can report the incident/crime with 211 (safely & anonymously). 211 is not affiliated with law enforcement. The 211 LA report will not be shared with any law enforcement entities.
- ACTION: Recommend to the Board that the SBCCOG endorse 211 and South Bay vs. Hate posters
K. Legislative Issues – 12:25 pm
- Legislative Matrix – attached
- Commercial Property Owners for Fair Lending – – consideration requested by Chair Valentine
- U.S. Rep. Van Taylor (R-TX) has circulated a draft bill that would require the Department of the Treasury to establish and administer a facility to guarantee certain preferred equity investments in commercial real estate borrowers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill
will be called the “Helping Open Properties Endeavor Act of 2020” or the “Hope Act of 2020” (the “Act”)
- The HOPE Act provides borrowers of commercial mortgages, who have been hit the hardest economically by COVID-19, financial assistance through the HOPE Preferred Equity lending facility. Guaranteed by the Department of the Treasury, financial institutions will originate preferred equity instruments to borrowers. Many of these borrowers have commercial mortgages whose loan covenants typically prohibit taking on additional debt. By providing preferred equity, these borrowers can get relief without violating their loan covenants.
- Recommend Brown Act legislation modification where hybrid meetings would be allowed – post only host address? – CALCOG working on this
- ACTION: Recommend positions to the Board of Directors
L. Board Meeting agenda development – 12:40 pm
- August – draft agenda attached – Adaptation work by Naomi Albert – Civicspark; Larry Kosmont
- September – Dr. Thomas Parham, President, Cal State Dominguez Hills – confirmed
- October – Dr. Eric Daar, M.D. re: Coronavirus vaccine development. He is a Division Chief at Harbor and Professor of Medicine at UCLA School of Medicine, is an Infectious Disease specialist and has been selected by Dr. Fauci to be one of the directors of a Covid vaccine testing site.
- November – Pros & Cons on Balanced Energy?
- ACTION: Recommend programs of interest for Board presentations
M. Special Board meeting – 12:50 pm
- Time – 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm – Thursday, August 20
- Title is: “A Dialogue for Elected Officials – All You Want to Know About Police Operations”
- Speakers will be Inglewood Mayor James Butts and LA Councilman Joe Buscaino for about 30 minutes and then Q and A
- Format suggestions attached
- Questions from the Board are requested in advance
- ACTION: Provide direction
N. Approval of Invoices – available at the meeting – 1:00 pm
- ACTION: Approve invoices for payment
O. Transportation Update – 1:05 pm
- Steve Lantz to provide status of Metro funding and effects on South Bay Measure R & M Programs
- Monthly Transportation Report – attached
P. South Bay Fiber Network – 1:15 pm
Q. Tech Talks – 1:05 pm
- New series to bring issues that to share with participants of the South Bay Fiber Network.
- Zoom meeting on Wednesday, August 19 @ 10 am for IT Directors and others from city staff.
- Speakers are from Kivu Consulting – the consultants who are helping Torrance recover from their cyber attack. To discuss:
- The current threat environment we are all facing, No one is immune as Garmin shows.
- The increase in ransom demands, Garmin was 10 Million initial ransom.
- The rise in data theft, they will take your data and use it to extort you.
- How and why these guys are targeting organizations, yes they will target you too…
- Then – some methods and tools to minimize your attack surface, and if you do get hit, to get you back up quickly.
i. Building Defense in Depth, it is more than just a firewall
ii. Safeguarding Data – Encryption!
iii. Creating a Disaster Plan that works, are your backups safe?
R. SCAG Regional Early Action Program funds to accelerate housing – 1:10 pm
- SBCCOG will be meeting with staff to consider developing planning and GIS capacity at the SBCCOG with SCAG funding for use by cities
S. Update on Homeless Program and Innovation Project Funding – 1:15 pm
- City data was released last Thursday, July 30th. For specific information on the cities, please visit the dashboard on the LAHSA website:
- Attached is the SPA 8 demographic information sheet. This is a compilation of surveys conducted throughout the SPA to develop a “picture” of homelessness in SPA 8.
- The next meeting of the Homeless Services Task Force is September 2nd from 3-5pm. A representative from Pallet Shelter will be presenting: There is a “shelter” community in the City of Riverside.
- Here is the link to their case study:
T. Update on Senior Services – 1:20 pm
- Dr. Eric Daar, Investigator with The Lindquist Institute and Chief, Division of HIV Medicine, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, presented at the July 28th meeting of the Senior Services Working Group. He has been chosen by Dr. Fauci to head up one of the COVID-19 vaccine studies, one of 3 in LA County and the only one in the South Bay. He shared the website for volunteers to register:
To sign up as a volunteer for a COVID-19 Prevention Clinical Study, visit: The purpose of this screening registry is to create a list of potential volunteers who want to take part in current or future COVID-19 prevention clinical trials. You must be 18 years or older to participate. Participation involves completing a short online survey that includes some personal questions. Your participation is voluntary.
- Other updates since agenda distribution – 1:25 pm
NEXT STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING – Monday, September 14, 2020 @ 12:00 pm @ TBD