South Bay Cities Green Task Force Mtg Oct 30
October 30, 2008 @ 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
The Green Cities Task Force met on Oct. 30, 2008. Please find the original meeting information and documents below. *** Original meeting information *** The South Bay Cities Green Task Force will be having its meeting October 30, 2008 at the George Nakano Theater (location change) in Torrance. The focus of this meeting is “Real Energy Savings for 2009-2011”, an SBESC program for cities. The guest speakers of this meeting will be: Nancy Jenkins – SCE Manager and Frank Spasero – Sempra Manager for the Energy Efficiency Partnership Program Please see the preliminary age`nda below. Green Task Force Meeting
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Note Location Change
George Nakano Theater
3330 Civic Center Drive
Torrance, CA
Please join us at the October 30 meeting of the South Bay Cities Green Task Force. Note the location change.
We have informative speakers lined up, but the majority of the meeting will cover the actual programs and incentives that will start in 2009 with our new partnership cycle. These programs will tremendously benefit our South Bay cities and businesses.
Looking forward to seeing you at the George Nakano Theater!
Jacki Bacharach
Executive Director
South Bay Environmental Services Center
South Bay Cities Council of Governments
(310) 377-8987
(310) 293-2612 (cell)
- Welcome & Introductions
- Report from SBCCOG & SBESC (1:40)
Jacki Bacharach, SBCCOG
Marilyn Lyon, SBESC
- 2009-2011 Partnership Programs and Incentives (1:50)
Nancy Jenkins, Southern California Edison
Frank Spasaro, Sempra Utilties
- El Segundo Re-Use-It Program (2:50)
Lauren Mahakian
- West Basin Municipal Water District (2:55)
Leighanne Reeser will speak regarding funding for cities.
“Zero Runoff Street Median Water Conservation Program” provides up to $10,000 per street median that is retrofitted to reduce water use by 50% and water runoff by 100%.
- Status of SBCCOG’s Assistance with GHG emissions inventory(3:00)
Heidi Aten, SBCCOG
- City Information Sharing (3:05)
Any pertinent issues that a city would like to raise or report on
- Other Business (3:20)
- Next Steps (3:25)
Future meeting dates and topics
- Adjourn (3:30)