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South Bay Cities Green Task Force Mtg Jan 21
January 21, 2010 @ 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
The South Bay Cities Green Task Force is scheduled to meet Jan 21 in the City of Lawndale.
South Bay Cities Green Task Force
Thursday, January 21, 2010
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Lawndale Library
14615 Burin Ave., Lawndale, CA 90260
Preliminary Agenda
Welcome & Introductions (1:30 pm)
- Jacki Bacharach, SBCCOG
- Mayor Harold Hofmann, City of Lawndale (invited)
Report from SBCCOG & SBESC (1:40 pm)
- Jacki Bacharach, SBCCOG
- Marilyn Lyon, SBESC
- Updates on new contracts with partners
- Updates on AB 811-Energy Efficiency & Renewables Financing Program
- Updates on SBESC Kiosk and other projects and programs
Status on Community Inventory (2:00 pm)
- Marilyn Lyon, SBESC
Guest Speaker (2:10 pm)
- Terry Roberts, Office of Climate Change, California Air Resources Board
Current climate change goal setting and climate change policies at the state and regional levels that will impact local governments.
Highlight Lawndale Environmental Charter High School (2:40 pm)
- Alison Suffet Diaz, Founder and Executive Director
City Information Sharing and Updates(3:00 pm)
- City of Lawndale
- Any pertinent issues that a city would like to raise or report on
Other Business (3:20 pm)
Next Steps (3:25 pm)
- Future meeting dates and topics
- Next Meeting April 29 – Green Purchasing, AB811