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Livable Communities Special Mtg Nov 7
November 7, 2012 @ 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
To LCWG Members, This is a reminder that the next Livable Communities Working Group meeting will take place next week, November 7 from 2:30 to 5:00 PM at the SBESC, 20285 So. Western Avenue, Torrance. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A SPECIAL MEETING TIME AND DATE, REPLACING OUR REGULAR MEETING ON NOVEMBER 21 WHICH HAS BEEN CANCELLED. Please read the following carefully regarding the special meeting format. An agenda for the LCWG meeting and minutes from September will be emailed separately. The purpose of this special meeting is to integrate land use and transportation strategies into the SBCCOG’s Climate Action Planning framework. The LCWG meeting will overlap and join in with a meeting of the Climate Action Plan Working Group that will be meeting from 1 to 3:30 PM. The overlapping meetings will make it easier for the members of the CAP working group to also attend the LCWG meeting as well. The CAP discussion will focus on city perspectives on the optional strategies identified in the CAP strategies workbook: those strategies to reduce emissions that have been or will be implemented, those that should be revised, and those that are not feasible. The first part of the CAP discussion, from 1 to 2:30, will cover strategies that address energy, solid waste and recycling, water and vegetation, sustainable practices and adaptation . The draft CAP workbook/framework has been distributed to the CAP staff person in each city. LCWG members are invited to come early for the whole CAP meeting that precedes the PEV readiness discussion. The LCWG meeting starting at 2:30 will focus on PEV readiness. We will discuss best practices and review some of the progress made by cities who have been working to accommodate PEVs. The work on PEV readiness in the region will also be reviewed. Because PEV readiness cuts across several municipal departments, CAP working group members will be available in addition to LCWG members to identify appropriate contacts in each city. In the overlapping time with the CAP group, between 2:30 and 3:30, The LCWG will review the various transportation and land use strategies in the CAP workbook, including parking. We hope that you can review them in advance of the meeting. The workbook was distributed to the LCWG October 5 by email attachment. This will provide an opportunity for LCWG members to give initial feedback regarding the options. The goal is to create a set of options for climate action planning, and to create an archive of South Bay work products that all cities can draw upon . PLEASE RSVP FOR THE MEETING TO: Rosemary Lackow [email protected]. 310.692.0181 Thank you, Jacki and Wally