Livable Communities Mtg June 20, 2012
June 20, 2012 @ 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
The Livable Communities Working Group is scheduled to meet on June 20, 2012 at 2:30pm, at the new SBESC office located at 20285 S. Western Ave, Suite 100 in the City of Torrance.
The agenda has been posted below.
Please RSVP to Rosie Lackow at [email protected]
California’s Strategic Growth Council (SGC) grants are demanding to prepare and difficult to win. Competition is stiff. Second round awards were recently announced and the South Bay had two winning projects:
o City of Hawthorne – Downtown Hawthorne Specific Plan ($277,000)
o City of Hermosa Beach – Comprehensive Blueprint for Sustainability and a Low Carbon Future ($410,400)
The June meeting will feature presentations by the staff responsible for producing each application. While those projects should be of interest to everyone, cities considering applying to the third and final round of SGC grants (expected this fall) will be able to learn valuable insights into how to prepare a winning application.
The SBCCOG has three significant projects that have either just begun or are about to begin and I will describe those projects and share their timelines. Those projects will be the focus of subsequent meetings as the LCWG will function as a sort of steering committee in each case. They are:
- 2012 Compass Project — Neighborhood Oriented Development Feasibility Study – underway
- Regional and Sub-Regional PEV Readiness Planning- regional plan underway
- BEV Demonstration Project- AQMD approved plan and budget
The SBCCOG recently met with a representative of Daimler’s car2go car sharing service. In order to determine feasibility of providing their service in the South Bay, car2go needs some specific information about parking in 9 of our cities. Wally Siembab will describe the information needed and requests the appropriate contact for each South Bay City. He will also provide a few updates on other projects and events.
And finally, please view this 13-minute video clip of an interview conducted with Jacki Bacharach by the AQMD for its On the Air program. It is a great summary of the SBCC SB Sustainability Strategy.