Livable Communities Mtg June 16
June 16, 2010 @ 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
From: Wally Siembab, SBCCOGOur next LCWG Committee meeting is scheduled for June 16, 2010 from 2:30 – 4:30 pm
at the SBCCOG’s office. Please see attached agenda and RSVP your attendance so we
can better coordinate for the meeting.
This promises to be a very informative meeting. RBF, our Compass consultant, will
present all completed work at this meeting. This will include at a minimum the
draft PPTs of the mobility and land use case studies. (RBF’s final presentation
will be at the July LCWG meeting.)
The South Bay data for SCAG’s “sustainability tool” has been released so that we can
now demonstrate the tool on actual South Bay realities. The key input is proposed
land use changes and the outputs include changes in VMT and GHG emissions as a
consequence of the new development scenario. While this offers a potentially
powerful way of testing various land use scenarios, the tool demands considerable
manual labor. Mohja and I will most likely illustrate the tool through simple, small
scale hypothetical examples. We will discuss what the SBCCOG is planning to do in
order to evaluate the potential utility of the tool for South Bay cities.
Finally, the first month of GPS data generated by the LUV project are in. Long time
members of the LCWG will no doubt appreciate seeing actual results after what has
been over three years of proposing and planning. The good news is that these
initial results appear promising.
Hope to see you there. The minutes from May will be mailed with a meeting reminder
early next week. Don’t forget to RSVP to [email protected]
Wally Siembab
310 645 1129