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Livable Communities Apr 20
April 20, 2011 @ 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
The Livable Communities Working Group is scheduled to meet April 20 at the SBESC offices in Lawndale. This is a very important meeting. Please read the message below along with the attached agenda.
To LCWG Members;
The April meeting will be the most significant of the year so far. Linda Tatum, Inglewood’s Planning Manager, will present an overview of the Hollywood Park Redevelopment Plan. This is easily the largest and most significant development likely to occur in the South Bay in the foreseeable future. It is an interesting concept with the potential to affect virtually every city in the South Bay. This will be a rare opportunity to learn about the plan and ask questions.
Mohja Rhoads will demonstrate CalEEMod (pronounced Cal-E-Mod), the new project evaluation tool produced by air districts throughout the state. It is an alternative to SCAG’s Sustainability Tool with, I understand, great potential. Hopefully, we will be able to use the Hollywood Park Redevelopment Plan as the basis for the demonstration. But if that is not possible, we will use a smaller development as the example. Anyone with a candidate project should contact me ASAP.
Sub-regions intending to take RHNA delegation must notify SCAG by June 1. We have invited a SCAG representative to explain the pros and cons of delegation. This is an opportunity for each city to learn about the tradeoffs, ask questions and express opinions. This is a complex issue of great concern to cities so I hope that SCAG will be able to make the presentation. If not, I will arrange an alternative method of getting our cities the information needed to make the RHNA delegation decision.
The OCCOG and Gateway COG are the two COGs that developed their own Sustainable Communities Strategy. OCCOG has produced its draft and is seeking comments. Every sub-region is interested since it is likely to become a model for us all. If time allows in this meeting, I will provide an overview of the draft SCS. If SCAG attends and presents the RHNA information, this item will most likely be deferred to the May LCWG meeting, by which time the Gateway draft should also be available.
Finally, if time remains, we will briefly provide updates on LUV (with a radio program which can be found at – give it a listen), Caltrans, and so forth.
Please RSVP to Rosie Lackow at [email protected]
See you there.
Wally Siembab
310 645 1129