Homeless Services Task Force Meeting
May 1 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
The Homelessness Task Force is comprised of city leaders and service providers. The Task Force convenes once every two months to discuss innovative new solutions to combat homelessness, regional updates, and State/Federal updates.
Chair: Councilmember Rodney Tanaka (Gardena)
2024 Meeting Dates: January 3, March 6, May 1, July 3, September 4, November 6
Meeting Place: Virtual via Zoom until further notice: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIqduqhqzsvE9PTK43_iYxA3y8rnAqbUqwj
Meeting recording can be seen here
Welcome and Introductions
March meeting notes – Receive and file
1. SPA 8 System Updates (3:05 pm)
2. Family System Discussion (3:20 pm)
System is at capacity. Families are waiting as long as a year for case management assignment.
Discussion of current status, contingency plans, and brainstorm other ideas.
Laurie Ramey, Mental Health America LA
Tahia Hayslet and Sharon Stewart, Harbor Interfaith
Family Promise
3. SBCCOG Time Limited Subsidy – Now available to cities and providers (3:50 pm)
Keenan Leary, Project Coordinator, SBCCOG
4. Summary of the 2nd Executive Committee Meeting on April 24 (4:20 pm)
Ronson Chu, Senior Project Manager, SBCCOG
5. Legislative Updates (4:35 pm)
6. South Bay Cities Council of Governments Updates (4:45 pm)
Jacki Bacharach, Executive Director, SBCCOG
7. Announcements (4:55pm)
8. Adjournment to July 3, 2024
Mark your calendar. Additional meeting dates: September 4, November 6.
NOTE: Times on the agenda are a guide for both speakers and task force members and include time for questions, answers, and general discussion.