Economic Development Roundtable
January 15, 2015 @ 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
The South Bay Cities Economic Development Roundtable meeting is scheduled to meet Thursday, January 15, 2015. Come share ideas and discuss economic development issues from a regional perspective.
South Bay Cities Council of Governments
20285 Western Avenue, Suite 100
Torrance, California 90501
I.Self Introductions (2:35 pm)
II.Re-cap of October meeting (2:40 pm)
•Realtor Perspective
•SBWIB Business Retention Workshop
III.Initiative to Support our Air Force Bases (2:45 pm)
•JoAnne Stewart from LAEDC will discuss this with us
IV.Special South Bay Projects of Regional Importance (3:00 pm)
•Potential for Rams in Inglewood
•Outlet Mall in Hawthorne
•New brewery in Carson
V.Foreign Investment (3:30 pm)
•Possible joint/cooperative South Bay initiatives to address foreign visitors – investors and tourists – discussion
VI. Information Sharing (3:50 pm)
•Brief report from each city re: current issues & actions as well as update on SBCCOG initiatives
VII.Conference and Special Event Coordination Follow-up (4:10 pm)
•ICSC – October 1-3, 2014
VIII.Content of Future Meetings (4:15 pm)
•International Mixer via video
- International Trade
1.Presentations from more existing organizations that focus on international trade (Dept. of Commerce?)
2.Sharing what cities and South Bay groups are doing to promote international trade (Redondo Beach Chamber, etc.)
3.Identifying industries that have a strong potential for growth through international trade
4.Identifying the target international markets for these industries
5.Connecting South Bay companies within targeted industries with technical information on international trade (letter, workshop?)
IX.Next Steps (4:25 pm)
•March 19, 2015 @ 2:30 pm, location to be determined
2015 meeting dates:
May 21
July 16
September 17
November 19
Meetings to be held at the SBCCOG office unless there is a host volunteer.