AUGUST 5, 2013 Update to those who submitted responses:
The RFP No.2013-R-1 Selection Committee has prepared its recommendations to the SBCCOG Measure R Oversight Committee. The recommendations are attached. The South Bay Cities Council of Governments thanks those who participated in this process.
JULY 18, 2013 Update to those who submitted responses:
The South Bay Cities Council of Governments WILL NOT be conducting any interviews related to the South Bay Cities Council of Governments’ South Bay Highway Program Technical Services Bench RFP. The Selection Committee’s recommendations will be presented to the SBCCOG’s Measure R Oversight Committee on August 12, The agenda item will be posted online on August 5 at (link). A recommendation from the Measure R Oversight Committee is expected to be forwarded to the SBCCOG Board of Directors for consideration at its August 22, 2013 meeting .
CLOSED June 28, 2013: RFP No. 2013-R-1: “Measure R South Bay Highway Program On-Call Program Development /Project Oversight Technical Bench Services”
The South Bay Cities Council of Governments (SBCCOG) is developing a list of pre-qualified consultants for transportation planning and related professional services that the SBCCOG may periodically require for transportation planning and related technical tasks to support the South Bay Highway Program (SBHP). The SBCCOG invites proposals from qualified Firms (Proposers).
Services will be requested through the issuance of competitive time and expense Contract Task Orders (CTOs) on an as-needed basis, with no guaranteed level of usage. The SBCCOG anticipates multiple awards resulting from this solicitation.
Proposals must be submitted in electronic format as well as a total of ten (10) hard copies (one (1) unbound and nine (9) bound) to the SBCCOG office at the address given in the previous and subsequent section of this RFP by 2:00 p.m. PDT) by June 28, 2013.
Proposals must be received in the SBCCOG office at or before 2:00 p.m. PDT, on June 28, 2013. Proposals delivered in person or by other means shall be addressed as follows:
Marcy Hiratzka
RFP No. 2013-R-1
South Bay Cities Council of Governments
20285 S. Western Avenue, Suite 100, Torrance, CA 90501
Proposals and amendments to proposals received after the date and time specified above will be returned to the Proposer unopened.
Firms interested in obtaining a copy of this Request for Proposal (RFP) may do so by downloading the RFP, by emailing your request to Marcy Hiratzka, [email protected], or by calling Marcy at 424-271-4682.
A pre-proposal conference will be held on Tuesday, June 11 at 10:00 a.m. PDT, at the SBCCOG Therater (20285 S. Western Ave., 1st Floor, Torrance, CA 90501.) All prospective Proposers are encouraged to attend the pre-proposal conference. Potential Proposers interested in attending should advise the SBCCOG, by sending an e-mail to [email protected] of their interest in attending, no later than close of business, Monday, June 10, 2013.
The SBCCOG may determine it necessary to conduct interviews. If so, the SBCCOG has established July 25, 2013, as the date to conduct interviews. All prospective Proposers are requested to keep this date available for key representatives of the proposed team to participate in the interview.
All Proposers will be required to comply with all applicable equal opportunity laws and regulations.
The award of this contract is subject to receipt by the SBCCOG of Los Angeles County Metro Measure R funds adequate to carry out the provisions of the proposed agreement, including the identified Scope of Work. The SBCCOG does not anticipate using any federal funds to complete the identified Scope of Work.
The announcement of the SBHP Technical Consultant Procurement, the official RFP (containing exhibits and sample bench contract), FAQ, and Selection Committee Recommendationsare posted below.